Music By Laurel Jean

Music By Laurel Jean
Music with a Message and a Mission

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Laurel Jean's Scrapbook

Sharing God's Guiding Glimpses into my Life of Music and Ministry

Monday, October 13, 2014

Play Ball!

Debbie pitching to Shelby, beep baseball outing Debbie, Shelby's mom, pitches to Shelby during our spring beep baseball outing here in Charleston, SC.

Over Memorial Day weekend, Dixie Land Guide Dog Users, Inc. introduced the sport of beep baseball to Charleston as part of Dixie Land's "Keeping Families Focused" Initiative. Beep baseball requires that all but three people on the team be either blind or blindfolded. The pitcher, the catcher and the umpire are sighted. The batter strives to hit an audible beeping softball that is pitched to him/her. If the batter hits the ball, one of two bases (first or third) is activated and begins to make a loud buzzing sound. If the batter gets to the base before the fielders get to the ball, a run is scored. If the fielders get to the ball first, the batter is out.

During this first game here in Charleston, blind people of all ages got the joy of hitting a ball as it was pitched to them, completely independently, some for the first time in their lives. I thank God for the blessing of being able to support this event and share in the fun!

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A Little About Me

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God continues to bless me with a busy and fulfilling life. Even after thirty-plus years, my music and ministry keep going and growing. Blind from birth, I am n avid user of Braille and the long, white cane, in addition to a variety of mainstream and access technology. While my blindness does not define me, I consider it to be a unique gift from God. With this gift comes my opportunity to serve as an advocate on behalf of my fellow members of the Blindness community, living and serving among blind and sighted folks of all ages, on all walks of life. To learn more about my music, ministry and outreach, please visit my Web site, and be sure to stay tuned to my Blog!